The Landscaping San Diego Can Look Good All Year Around With Very Little Effort

| Wednesday, December 7, 2011
By Irma Villarreal

People will drive by a home and if the yard is unkempt and things look shabby, they drive on. The view from the street is important. Homeowners should take the time to know what that view is. Proper landscaping San Diego starts with the homeowners.

Buyers want something special, and if the outside is special, they may peek inside. Lawn care does require effort, but there are tried and true methods to make it easier. Greenery is important for the environment and overall looks. Although, some well placed, low impact shrubs and gravel can cut down on the maintenance.

Using commercial weed prevention has its drawbacks. Therefore, many homeowners are applying old-fashioned techniques such as pulling weeds and using more ground covers such as white clover. Errant nuisance plants seem to pop up everywhere. Chemicals that kill plants growing in cracks will ruin grass, so homeowners are cautioned to use care.

Many people leave weed control to the experts. There are home remedies that can work though. Covering the weeds for several days with black plastic will eliminate them without chemicals. Do not allow small children to play around the plastic for safety reasons.

Overgrown bushes are not only unattractive they also pose a safety hazard. They allow people to gain access through windows without detection. Overgrown plants can also hold moisture close to the home's foundation.

Watering is important the entire year. Grass needs water as much in the winter as summer. Apply water during the morning or evening hours to gain the most benefit. Evaporation is higher during midday and afternoons. Water schedules should coincide with local regulations. Some cities have enacted rationing to conserve resources.

Maintenance does not stop because of cooler temperatures. Things grow slower and some plants go dormant. Mowing is still important as well as mulching sun loving plants to prevent damage from cold. The landscaping San Diego does not stop because of cooler weather. landscaping san diego

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