Choosing A Garden Fence

| Saturday, November 5, 2011
By Sue Hamrick

Garden fencing can serve many purposes, but one of the best is to accent and define areas of your garden. Whether you choose a six or twelve inch high border edging, or stand a section of post and rail garden fencing in the center of a sweep of lawn, garden fencing can add a beautiful accent to your landscaping.

Wood lattice allows you to retain a bit of privacy and still have a good view of the garden. You can give your garden a makeover just by installing some wood lattice boards in a privacy fence. Even a single width of lattice can support climbing vines and allow a bit of a screen.

Lattice panels can be used to beautify, just by placing them near the house and setting some morning glories close to them, or even by creating an arbor with two full length panels set about six to eight feet apart. You can create a living roof by forming a bridge for vines to cross.

Border edging allows you to create a very unique look, also. Think outside the perimeter. You can use wire garden fencing to create smaller accents within a garden plot, or outline one corner or end of a garden with cast iron border edging.

Cedar shakes or redwood blocks can be used to create curved borders for slightly raised garden beds, or serve as a backdrop over which to spill indigo lobelia or white alyssum. Create a zigzag border of decorative low picket garden fencing and plant zinnias or marigolds in the V-shaped 'teeth' for a unique look.

Garden fencing can be used to create a beautiful background which can make dining outside particularly lovely. Install a metal trellis off the edge of the patio, near the garden dining furniture. Twine climbing roses up over it to create an accent that defines the edge of the patio and creates an elegant, tasteful accent to your patio and garden at the same time.

Wrought-iron and cast iron fencing is often found at historical and formal homes, or even at very elegant urban homes. Today, similar styles are available in powder-coated steel, anodized aluminum or composite materials that are much more affordable and easier to maintain.

Stone fences, which are the oldest known type of fencing, make great garden walls or boundary markers around traditional homes, such as Colonials and Cape Cods, when built with native stone. Dry-stacked walls can be placed together without much more than just gravity and friction.

The picket fence, a low, decorative style used to define property rather than secure it, is a universally popular style flexible enough to work with almost any home. There are many variations on the picket fence, including the Federal style, which features scalloped pickets and decorative finials.

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