In the book "The Face of My Enemy" the main character Jess sees an opportunity to disrupt the enemy's plans and he takes it. But it doesn't work out well for him. We often find ourselves doing the same thing. We see opportunities and they look like good works we can do. So we get busy. Soon we've lost sight of what's important. Micah 6:8 tells us what God wants from us. We are supposed to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. All of the other stuff is not important and could actually be damaging.
We are a works oriented society. Information comes at us from a hundred different directions and it seems to never slow down. The pressure is on to act on this information. We feel worthless if we aren't doing something. But we have it all backwards. We are of immeasurable worth to God just as we are. We are told in Genesis 5:24 that "Enoch walked with God and then he was no more, for God took him away." Enoch did not build any great monuments that we know of. We have no real evidence that he did anything at all except walk with God. But that was enough for God.
Yoda said in Star Wars that Luke Skywalker had to unlearn what he had learned. This is really good advice. Somehow the Church has gotten the notion that it must be busy with programs. There are Sunday school programs, Bible study programs and evangelism programs. They start bake sales and garage sales. Churches have men's ministry, women's ministry, children's ministry and mission's ministries. Cowboy churches run cowboy ministries and biker churches have biker ministries. There is nothing wrong with all these ministries, unless they were not ordained of God. If someone started a ministry because they wanted to do something for God, then it was started for the wrong reason. We think that we can do good works and carry them to heaven's gates and present them to God. "See what I did for You!" The truth is that the only works that will make it past those gates are the works God ordained. Everything else will be "burned up." The person will squeak into heaven and none of their non-ordained works will have been worth anything (see 1 Cor. 3:15).
Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God's workmanship. We were made to do the works God prepared beforehand for us to do. This is the piece we need to comprehend. God has gotten the works ready for us to do and we are to do those works. God will make sure you know what He wants for you. He won't leave you high and dry. When the time is right you'll know, assuming you've been reading the Word and waiting in preparation. It might happen in a month or it might be in ten years. Until then your time is better spent just remembering the passage from Micah 6:8. Realize that Paul did almost nothing for the first 14 years after he was converted. When the book of Acts begins to follow him, several years have passed. Where was Paul all this time? He prepared and waited on God.
A.W. Tozer, a man who wrote some of our best Christian literature, thought it would be helpful if the Church just paused in all of its agendas and waited on God. He said it probably wouldn't happen, though. The reason he was pessimistic about this was because the Church has become so focused on works that we have stopped being guided by the One we do the work for.
I'm convinced that there are two qualifications for a good ministry these days. The ministry advances God's kingdom and it magnifies God and only God. Most ministries don't do either of these. At some point we failed to remember the truth that we are saved by grace. We have gradually begun to do works to try and earn favor with God. But our works are worthless to God if we are not obedient to His Word. God is concerned about relationships. First He wants us to have a relationship with Him. Then He is focused on our relationships with others. Jesus in John 13:34 gave a new command to love one another in the same way He loves us. He didn't say anything about working here except to love. Our good works should naturally flow from a heart that is abundantly overflowing with the love of God.
If you have grown weary in your well doing then perhaps it might be time to move back and give yourself time to breathe. Humbly back away from the spotlight of your program or ministry and find a lonely spot. Allow yourself to be alone with God and get into a true relationship with Him. Nothing is better than this. And when God reveals the work he has prepared for you, you'll be poised to get it done in His strength and His power.
We are a works oriented society. Information comes at us from a hundred different directions and it seems to never slow down. The pressure is on to act on this information. We feel worthless if we aren't doing something. But we have it all backwards. We are of immeasurable worth to God just as we are. We are told in Genesis 5:24 that "Enoch walked with God and then he was no more, for God took him away." Enoch did not build any great monuments that we know of. We have no real evidence that he did anything at all except walk with God. But that was enough for God.
Yoda said in Star Wars that Luke Skywalker had to unlearn what he had learned. This is really good advice. Somehow the Church has gotten the notion that it must be busy with programs. There are Sunday school programs, Bible study programs and evangelism programs. They start bake sales and garage sales. Churches have men's ministry, women's ministry, children's ministry and mission's ministries. Cowboy churches run cowboy ministries and biker churches have biker ministries. There is nothing wrong with all these ministries, unless they were not ordained of God. If someone started a ministry because they wanted to do something for God, then it was started for the wrong reason. We think that we can do good works and carry them to heaven's gates and present them to God. "See what I did for You!" The truth is that the only works that will make it past those gates are the works God ordained. Everything else will be "burned up." The person will squeak into heaven and none of their non-ordained works will have been worth anything (see 1 Cor. 3:15).
Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God's workmanship. We were made to do the works God prepared beforehand for us to do. This is the piece we need to comprehend. God has gotten the works ready for us to do and we are to do those works. God will make sure you know what He wants for you. He won't leave you high and dry. When the time is right you'll know, assuming you've been reading the Word and waiting in preparation. It might happen in a month or it might be in ten years. Until then your time is better spent just remembering the passage from Micah 6:8. Realize that Paul did almost nothing for the first 14 years after he was converted. When the book of Acts begins to follow him, several years have passed. Where was Paul all this time? He prepared and waited on God.
A.W. Tozer, a man who wrote some of our best Christian literature, thought it would be helpful if the Church just paused in all of its agendas and waited on God. He said it probably wouldn't happen, though. The reason he was pessimistic about this was because the Church has become so focused on works that we have stopped being guided by the One we do the work for.
I'm convinced that there are two qualifications for a good ministry these days. The ministry advances God's kingdom and it magnifies God and only God. Most ministries don't do either of these. At some point we failed to remember the truth that we are saved by grace. We have gradually begun to do works to try and earn favor with God. But our works are worthless to God if we are not obedient to His Word. God is concerned about relationships. First He wants us to have a relationship with Him. Then He is focused on our relationships with others. Jesus in John 13:34 gave a new command to love one another in the same way He loves us. He didn't say anything about working here except to love. Our good works should naturally flow from a heart that is abundantly overflowing with the love of God.
If you have grown weary in your well doing then perhaps it might be time to move back and give yourself time to breathe. Humbly back away from the spotlight of your program or ministry and find a lonely spot. Allow yourself to be alone with God and get into a true relationship with Him. Nothing is better than this. And when God reveals the work he has prepared for you, you'll be poised to get it done in His strength and His power.
About the Author:
Norita Sieffert, a published author and speaker, also has a Master's Degree in Theology. She has committed herself fully to serving God in whatever capacity God sees fit. To read more uplifting fiction, visit her online bookstore.
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