Converting a job that is part time to something you can do full time is not as easy as it sounds. Normally, if you ask people's advice regarding what to do to convert to a full time job you would get the words "just work harder" or "kiss your boss's butt" and others. However, if you think these ideas is not something you can do then be sure to read our advise below which requires less effort and avoids embarrassment from kissing your boss's ass. On this article, Ill show you a few ways on how you can shift your part time job to full time job successfully.
Ask the right questions
In the situation where you're looking to have your part time job turn full time, you will need to ask the right questions from the right people at work. The right questions would be to ask Is there a chance that Ill get this job full time?" If yes, what can I do to get it? While you think of your question, you need to make sure you ask these to someone with the authority or knowledge to provide you with a promotion or someone who can help you shift your part time job to full time in your company.
Prepare proposals
Doing this process requires confidence and of course a good proposal. You can write or devise a business plan for your company on how you can improve certain processes, procedures, production and others. Of course, at the end of your letter of proposal you would need to point out that your presence in the company would esnure that the changes are effective.
Asking nicely
If you're someone who is obviously a hard worker and someone who plays a big role to the company then you definitely should ask a full time from your boss. Along the lines of asking nicely would mean to come up with a good intro to your statements. Right after, follow-up with how you are now able to do more and provide better service thus the need to have you work full time. If you are having a hard time coming up with the intro to your statement, try the words "this company helped me further hone my skills" or "I believe I can now take more responsibilities through this experience". As final statements you can come up with "With these responsibilities I'll be able to provide you with better service/productivity."
Having to turn a job that is part time into something full time not only requires skills but also calls for the need of a good amount of enthusiasm. Simply say how you deserve to be in a full time position by using actions and not only words. As soon as these bosses see and find how you love your work they will then think that losing someone as hard working as you would mean a loss to the company. In the event that you've taken all these advice and still haven't got what you want then you don't have to falter as your boss can also find ways or places where you can work full time - they can even refer you to friends and other firms or workplaces. To do this, you'll just have to ask nicely.
Ask the right questions
In the situation where you're looking to have your part time job turn full time, you will need to ask the right questions from the right people at work. The right questions would be to ask Is there a chance that Ill get this job full time?" If yes, what can I do to get it? While you think of your question, you need to make sure you ask these to someone with the authority or knowledge to provide you with a promotion or someone who can help you shift your part time job to full time in your company.
Prepare proposals
Doing this process requires confidence and of course a good proposal. You can write or devise a business plan for your company on how you can improve certain processes, procedures, production and others. Of course, at the end of your letter of proposal you would need to point out that your presence in the company would esnure that the changes are effective.
Asking nicely
If you're someone who is obviously a hard worker and someone who plays a big role to the company then you definitely should ask a full time from your boss. Along the lines of asking nicely would mean to come up with a good intro to your statements. Right after, follow-up with how you are now able to do more and provide better service thus the need to have you work full time. If you are having a hard time coming up with the intro to your statement, try the words "this company helped me further hone my skills" or "I believe I can now take more responsibilities through this experience". As final statements you can come up with "With these responsibilities I'll be able to provide you with better service/productivity."
Having to turn a job that is part time into something full time not only requires skills but also calls for the need of a good amount of enthusiasm. Simply say how you deserve to be in a full time position by using actions and not only words. As soon as these bosses see and find how you love your work they will then think that losing someone as hard working as you would mean a loss to the company. In the event that you've taken all these advice and still haven't got what you want then you don't have to falter as your boss can also find ways or places where you can work full time - they can even refer you to friends and other firms or workplaces. To do this, you'll just have to ask nicely.
About the Author:
I'm a very long time work and also task blog,I write for I am a contributor to where by most of us discuss various tasks as well as outside. Look into each of our most recent learning resource on In the home computer jobs as well as Awesome jobs for people who like house animals.
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