The 3 Rules Of Strong Product Managers

| Wednesday, September 25, 2013
By Sophia Gerritsen

A few years ago, I shifted my career from engineering to product management. To get ready for an interview, I examined our product management team and discovered that effective product managers have some behaviors that are similar. To help you in your career, I 'd like to share my findings with you.

Socialize decisions and ideas: Human beings are typically resistant to change. If you are considering an important modification to the product, it's business case or it's positioning, make certain you socialize the idea. If the change will need to be accepted in a management meeting, make sure the session is a non-event, the decision makers must have made a decision to agree already before the meeting. If you neglect to accomplish this, these meetings will be messy, and you may wind up getting directions that you are unprepared to handle.

Show empathy: During product development there will often be changes and there will often be complications. The engineering staff in most cases needs to implement these changes or solve those problems, which can easily mean great deals of additional work for them. It is convenient for them fault the product manager, which might pervert the relationship. Do not forget that as a product manager, you are a leader and good leaders show empathy.

Be excited (or fake it): No-one would like to work on or support a product that they do not swear by. Your role as a product manager is to ensure others believe in the product. This means you should be enthusiastic about the product. If ever you cannot do that, attempt to switch to a product you feel better about or imitate passion.

Finally: The role of a product manager can sometimes be demanding, but watching your product moving from an idea to a thing that consumers really make use of is incredibly gratifying. With this article, I have tried to give you some of the tools that can assist you succeed in a career in product management.

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